Maybe you ever noticed that some people suddenly have a completely different name? How this is done, I told you already said in this little tutorial:
Some have their display name but also in a different font. Have you also asked how does it work? Well, it's easy.
is essential that your viewer a can display display name .
My "Second Life Beta Viewer can do that, but the" SL Viewer2 "and the" Phoenix viewer "can as well. If you use a different viewer, you have to just see if it supports display name.
Let's go ...
First you need a font generator.
such thing as:
http://msn-nicks-generator.de /
As an example I use here views the character generator of Knuddels. So open your page views.
first Entry:
Typing your desired display name in the field.
second Font selection:
Click on the font of your choice.
third Issue:
Here you see the display name in the new font.
Marks and copies it.

4th Display Name:
** So you can edit your your profile, click at the bottom of the Edit **
Adds a copy of your new display name in the columns of the window
DISPLAY NAME CHANGE (SL Beta viewer and SL Viewer2)