Sunday, September 23, 2007

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first week at university

Moin people
meld as I once again have their say. I was a week on vacation and before I had to write no more time to see for yourself: My first

Uniwoche was still pretty relaxed. We've heard a lot of organizational and material for a short introduction. Funny here is that the classes are so small and then another 5 minute break. The first course that we had, so I wanted to go after 45 minutes, because got up at once all. Then, when no one was out of pocket, but I had packed everything, I do not come first to mind. What's funny still, but also very, very problematic that the Chinese here often times to overflow. The teacher, who this happened most often, thank God I was able to deselect and has even banned the class to speak Chinese, just because I'm sitting in class. As it stands, I sit in 3 of 4 days as the only Western in the class (it depends on Damian still remain as to whether he should undergraduate). In the last course I sit with a Swede and an American. But so far have only talked with Sweden because of Ammi seemed a bit strange But the Swede was right funny. Otherwise, I could only complain, rather than two hours because I have always 3 hours and the chairs are really uncomfortable to life.

The weekend started quite stupid, because I got crass neck pain (no plan, whether because of smog and the air conditioning here). Therefore, I unfortunately could not go out with on Friday and I've heard that it should have been really horny again ... well, bad luck, I will indeed be on our trip to Kunming from Thursday nice fit.
So now we have Saturday night made anything more, but we were tired from our trip through the fake supermarket and subsequent march to a hilarious new building. Unfortunately, the Building still under construction, but there is really cool. There are two towers are the wrong and then meet at the top that it is only a building. I try and organize some photos. On the way there, my expectations came from Beijing much more advantage. All around are tall buildings, all more than 10 floors .... Sunday, we went for it fitter and we could watch the Künstlerattelier Beijing. Sorry, we proceed in the way there by train and were on the edge of town and were looked at by the Chinese, who lived there rather oblique. Thank God there were so many taxes, we thought, but unfortunately, since all the way to sleep or eat and so we had a good deal to walk through the schäbbigen part of Beijing. Finally, almost back to the main road, we finally took a taxi that brought us to the entrance of the Strße. The road was huge, what we found at the end and thus could not visit all the atelier. But what we saw was nice enough, statues of various types (Mao, ants, Ritter), new art (both abstract and plain), photographs and animated. We have made a very pleasant day in the atelier and are rumgeschlendert. After a quick snack, we went by taxi back to campus.

Monday we went to the university (I'm not really much) in a real Beijing Opera. We were invited by the Ministry of Education and Education of China and there have also been pleased. The opera was ansich understand acoustic at all and the sounds of the Chinese over loud and piercing, but the plot was very easy to understand with a small information guide at the beginning and the translation screens on the sides of the stage. Were told a total of 3 short stories, but the last has something drawn. However, I think you should have something also seen times. Back and forth we came up with a set by the university bus, which made everything very convenient. Briefly what attracted other, we went to eat after hot-pot. Hot-Pot is a bit like fondue, only 2 pots, one of which is focused properly. Then all the meals are distributed sequentially from operation in the pot and eaten. It has a total tasted very delicious, even if it really funny things that were not very good. We had a lot of fun, and are then eaten much by public transport back to the university, but still have a small lounge in the International Beer Town planned. The group broke up halfway, and then again after 2 beers are half gone, so Damian and I were sitting alone later and we opted for propaganda .... of course just to see if there's something going on. In the end we stayed up 4:30 at the club and were almost the last on the dance floor until our bikes took us home.
Tuesday we were therefore somewhat KO and we had to rest for the Germany game on Wednesday: semi-final against Norway. On the day itself I did not do much, I rested and in the evening was the summer festival at night or something. It was said that the moon where the brightest shining. Even if the moon was not visible, it was a fun evening, because the Chinese were all on the sports field and sang Chinese songs. We also contributed our part and have about 10 Germans, "Ice-cold Bomolunder" and are sung in a circle become faster. We are again noticed so much that the other
Germans have found relatively quickly. But still, we were so corrupt that we were in bed by 1, after we had shared a whole pack of sheet metal rolls. On Wednesday it was
come. Quick, before the university a pack of sheet rolls in the fridge so we pack up quickly after college and travel to Tianjin can to the semi-final Germany - to visit Norway. We were 16 people, including 15 German and one Norwegian. On the train we went to go and celebrate in Tianjin, it was a rickshaw to the stadium. Because we were there too early, we went to a restaurant in which Damian and I are very uncomfortable occurred and knew at first do not know what's going on. After the other then what they had eaten, went finally to the stadium. The first half was a little boring, until the 42nd finally, the redemptive 1-0 shot. Now, finally shook the stadium, cheered on by our mass. In the second half we started off with much more elan. In the first half, the folders still saying that we should sit down, but the two of us even went as far as it went down in order to encourage the Chinese to celebrate. That worked very sluggish in the beginning, but after every other gate we went down again and all were happy at the end that they were in our block. We have so long celebrated in the stadium until the German girls were with us and then have also sung with us, "Humba" and sat down - very cool! We were happy, outdoors all wanted to do with us pictures and we all sagne Humba again until the folder we made it clear that it was better to go. We drove back with a mini bus to Beijing and then
Damian and I were on the other BWLern yet taken on a private party of 2 French. The party was great, everyone had a good mood and at the end of Damian and I were once again the last to be thought about Duch go on, but are still went to bed last around 6. The next morning I woke
Duch Strahln sun on the face when I realized I had missed the first hour of complete and Damian wrote a text message, what a traitor I
. Quick geputz bought teeth and 2 water I then decided to support Damian yet. After graduating college, the lunch we had to direct the bag packing to go off on vacation, so off to the airport!

to be continued ...



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