Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Phrases For New Job Card

Welcome to Beijing ...

it is now Thursday and my third / fourth day here. Today I had my first factual and correct time for me after I had done the previous days quite a lot.
So I have also managed to open this blog and to write the first lines. I've seen so far so much new that I will probably forget half to write.

I'll start chronologically:
On Monday we landed safely and all went well, as Maschis abgehot were good. In the airport it was really crowded, but since no one was under stress, we have no one lost: P
arrived on campus - I have a little shot on the trip, but there was rather bleak area - we should first enroll in the dorm . That is, actually, I'm a little outside the group. I then won by a buddy of Maschis a little special treatment and he dragged me. The problem was in fact that I actually would have to register before I come. Because I knew nothing of it but I have of course failed. Well, in the end everything went really well: I had my room before the Maschis had it and I have a single room. The only difference is that I am on a building, but this does not matter very much.
After I had eaten something strange and then briefly at the supermarket buy water, I'm pretty exhausted gone to bed early.

Tuesday I first joined the Maschis me again, as my buddy only arrived here on Wednesday evening. I had breakfast with them - pretty freaky here all with food and so on - and then we went to the Office Forgein enroll. Here I am again solved by the group and am in the office that I had received stated in the email. Advantage was again alone, I was much quicker than the others. Then I made the trip to get something to ask the university or the campus and to clarify the remaining issues. I took some pictures and short videos, which I will try, somehow reinzustellen here. The campus is huge and I was not even anywhere because we wanted to meet for the Internet. Problem was that I wanted to wait for the others, because we wanted then to the health department, but the others were not. So I had the rest of the day off - the University begins on Monday.
night I was jogging a lap. The leisure facilities here are amazing, but I do not know if I can use everything because of the Olympic Games. For example, the swimming pool is closed because it is used as Hauptscheimmhalle in Olypischen games. Too bad that I no longer am.
After jogging I have with the boys, of which I ran a couple on the way one more, drank two beers from the beer vending machine and was also that evening quite exhausted.

managed Not all organizational, it was on Wednesday Next morning buy bicycles. It was very funny to see how 30 people were standing in front of the small bicycle stand and wondered if they buy a new bike or look elsewhere if the bike is too small and whether the dealer is probably after the price down. Finally, the dealer has probably made the deal of his life, for about 15 people have struck, (photos to follow), among other things I do.
Then it went on public transport (we are just driven an hour - with change) to the police in order to verify the visa. But since I have not the health department was, I had to do that first. And again I was lucky because one of the buddies of Maschis had to pick up their certificates and has regulated everything to me, so we were out inneralb half an hour with ALL products. Usually you have to wait another day to work the thing. At the police station was not so fast. It was a huge queue at the switches. However, prolonged standing has made bwährt and we are all with the wiping back "home" that our passports on 19 finished.
evening I was with a couple of others with our new bikes (as you can be proud of such a Billgisteil) in the international beer garden and have made the comparison to the can of beer.

Today I finally one relaxden days done, partly because today was the last day on which I have no university and secondly, because this is the first time the weather was bad. So now I come first to the end - is indeed enough for now .... I try to read a late night pictures and upload videos. Now I meet first with my buddy, let's see what can / the show tell me so.


UPDATE: first pictures are there too!


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